The Assignment

The Sister Cities Association (SCA) data project is divided into 7 iterations, named Lab 1 through Lab 7. Each iteration begins on the first class session each week and ends the following week when the next cycle begins (unless otherwise specified in the schedule). Each iteration may consist of one or both of these two phases:
  • Design Phase
  • Implementation Phase
Each phase has its own set of deliverables. The due dates are specified in the course schedule.

These, except Lab 1, are group assignments.

Design Phase

  • Design phase is to develop conceptual model (CM), logical model (LM), and physical model (PM).
  • During Design Phase no changes are allowed to the team database.

Implementation Phase

  • Begins when the class has discussed and chosen a final physical database design to implement this lab.
  • Ends when this lab's implementation deliverables are due.
  • During Implementation Phase modify your team's database to match the new design shown in the final physical data model of the week.
During the Implementation Phase, do not make any changes to your SQL Server database until ...
  1. you have received feedback from your instructor on database implementation errors in the previous Lab cycle,
  2. the class has discussed and chosen a final design for implementing this lab.
Once 1 and 2 above are complete, you may begin to physically alter your team's database.
  • Step 1: Correct all previous implementation errors identified by your instructor in the previous Lab cycle. You may ask your instructor for help with understanding and correcting the errors.
  • Step 2: Only after finishing Step 1 should you make the new physical changes to your database based on the new design.

Lab Skills Needed for Implementation

Complete required changes to your team database (if any) before the beginning of class on the date Lab Xx Implementation Phase Deliverables Due is specified. After the Implementation Phase deadline, make no further changes to your database until you have received feedback and a score from your instructors ... usually at the next class.