The Assignment
Analyze and design tables to hold “committee” data.
Design Deliverables Summary
- During Design Phase no changes are allowed to
the team database.
- watch from Canvas the Lab 5 design video that discusses
the conceptual data model for normalizing the committee table:
The conceptual data model are based on the following data:
- The SCACommittees.xlsx Excel file
- No logical and physical data models assignment for Lab 5. Study the logical and physical data models avaliable on Canvas in the assignment L5i-DB
Analyst Notes & Deliverables Details
Lab 5 new information (Keep track of committee information):
- According to the bylaws of your sister city association
all committes are either one or the other of two types
of committees. No committee can be classified as both types.
- Sister City Committees
The sister city committees keep track of such things
as the top project and the dates of visits between your
local city and each of the foreign sister cities.
- Support Committees
The support committees keep track of who the
contact person is in the your local city government.
They also have a mission statement.
- All committees have a budget and a regularly scheduled
meeting time.
- Current committee data is stored in SCACommittees.xlsx:
- Creation of a new sister city relationship.
- When a person (or a group of people) is interested
in starting a new sister city relationship, they
must first gather basic information on the proposed
sister city. They then submit their application to
the executive committee. If the
executive committee approves the application, the
data (Sister city name, population, mayor,
description, etc.) is then entered into the sister
city table in the database.
- A sister city committee can be created (and
recorded in the database) only after the above
information has been recorded in the sister city table.
End of Instructions